RideTheBullCoin (RTB)




RideTheBull Coin “RTB” was created as a Meme coin for crypto enthusiasts to participate in the excitement of the next Crypto Bull Run.


Utilizing the Keep-It-Simple “KIS” and the no BULLSH!T “BS” approach, RTB is aimed to not overthink what is needed to enjoy a Crypto Bull Market: A strong blockchain, a wallet to store your coins, platform(s) for trading and of course, a strong community.

RTB Blockchain:

RTB is its independent blockchain and was built utilizing Antara framework and Komodo’s Smartchain Technology. Adopting all its great features and strengths. Without blabbing on and on about Komodo, you can check them out here.


Mining Algo: Equihash 200,9
Block Time: x minutes
Block Reward: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x etc.
Block Reward Halvings: Every xx,000 blocks (Approx. xx Days)
Coinbase Maturity= xx blocks
Collection Address: 1% of every block (Address of wallet will be published) for Development/Exchanges/Marketing /Airdrops.  

Yes this is slightly inflationary, but how important is the final circulating supply. How many will stick around to the end? Again, it’s for the Crypto Bull Run not Bear run. If it lasts, so be it, that bridge will get crossed when it’s time.

As quantity in the Collection Address increases (over time) the lower the price will need to be to reach a goal.Example: After xx,000 blocks (Approximately xx days), Collection Address will have xx,000 coins. If sold at a price of $0.x, there will be $xx available for development or exchange listings or xx,000 coins for airdrops/giveaways. Selling will not be done on an exchange if it will cause a significant price impact due to low liquidity. Selling will then be done via OTC (Caldera Discord Bot) or AtomicDex.As time goes on, coins will accumulate. Therefore reducing the price needed to reach a goal. Vice versa, if sold at a higher price, less coins will be needed to reach a goal.

(Emissions Schedule Table Here)

Coin Emissions:

(Emissions Schedule Graph Here)


Still utilizing the no BULL “BS” approach (no one likes empty promises), this depends on the success and wants of the community.But here’s something to start on;
Phase 1- Launch Blockchain. 
Phase 2- Work towards adding RTB to AtomicDex. 
Phase 3- Exchange listing.
Phase 4- Accumulate coins for next action determined by the community. Could be an airdrop/giveaways, marketing or another exchange.
Phase 5- Keep accumulating coins and reach the next goal.

Community & Marketing Strategy:

Utilize major social media platforms such as but not limited to Bitcointalk Forum, Discord, Telegram, Twitter/X etc.Marketing can be done on websites that many crypto investors visit frequently. Community will have input on what the funds will be spent on.


RTB coin was created as a meme coin for those in crypto to participate in the upcoming Crypto Bull Run. With a Keep-It-Simple (KIS) and NO BULLSH!T (NOBS) approach, RTB has the potential to be fun and give people the opportunity to Ride-The-Bull during the Crypto Bull Run.